“Prison Families” followed six families as they coped with a loved one’s imprisonment was broadcast on TV3 at the end of March 2014. Directed by Matt Leigh, produced by Anne McLoughlin, cast by Ruth Kerins and edited by Paul Giles, the series was a sensitive portrayal of life for some of Ireland’s most marginalized families. […]
Post production has begun on “A Sporting Chance” a major three part Motive/Gyre & Gimble co-production for Setanta Sports. Funded by the BAI, the programme makers partnered with Munster Rugby and Solas (an Adult education programme in Limerick City), to give fourteen unemployed youngsters an opportunity to turn their lives around by actively engaging in […]
“The Notorious” went out on the 13th of March, 2014 generating great audience reaction and ratings for RTÉ 2. This Reality Bites offering was the culmination of an intensive production and post production period. Directed by Patrick Timmons Ward, researched by Graeme McDonald and filmed by Gavin Fitzgerald, the documentary followed Conor McGregor over a […]
Matt Leigh (Series Director) and Katie Lincoln are on the ground filming the second series of The Estate in Dublin’s Darndale. The three part BAI funded series began filming in November 2013 and is following the highs and lows of daily life for six families all living their lives out within Darndale, a sprawling corporation […]
Motive’s latest series “Prison Families” which followed six families as they cope with a loved one’s imprisonment will be broadcast on TV3 at 9 pm, on Monday the 31st of March. Directed by Matt Leigh, cast by Ruth Kerins and edited by Paul Giles, the series is a sensitive portrayal of life for some of […]